How can I Enable AutoSSL on WHM/cPanel?

On this post we will show you how to enable AutoSSL for cPanel users. AutoSSL is a revolutionary way to enable SSL support on cPanel servers. Let’s begin learning what is AutoSSL and then how you can configure autossl for your cPanel users.

What is AutoSSL?

Since cPanel version 58, the awesome development team at cPanel Inc built a really useful feature for cPanel users. AutoSSL is simply, a free automated SSL certificate for your website that can be activated with a few clicks of your mouse, no csr generation, not crt installation.

AutoSSL allow users to install and renew SSL certificates automatically, without any manual step involved, forget about forms to fill and install encrypted codes manually, as in the old days. All websites running AutoSSL are secured with a Domain Validated certificate.

Are you ready to configure AutoSSL now?

How to Enable AutoSSL on WHM / cPanel servers?

In order to enable AutoSSL on cPanel, you will need to move to:

  • WHM » SSL/TLS » Manage AutoSSL
  • Click on “Choose an AutoSSL provider” and finally on: cPanel (powered by Comodo)

That’s it, your AutoSSL Certificates are now ready to be used powered by Comodo.

Configure AutoSSL for Users on the Server

To activate AutoSSL for a certain cPanel user, you will need to move to:

  • WHM » SSL/TLS » Manage AutoSSL  » Manage Users
  • Then, search for the user you need to activate autossl for.
  • Once found, you will see three autossl options:
  1. Override the feature list setting and force AutoSSL to be enabled.
  2. Disable AutoSSL: Override the feature list setting and force AutoSSL to be disabled.
  3. Reset to Feature List Setting: Use setting established by the feature list “default” which is currently set to “enabled”.
  • Click on the first one:
configure AutoSSL easily
Enabling AutoSSL on WHM Panel

Verify your AutoSSL Installation

Now the final step is to verify your AutoSSL Certificate installation, move to:

  • WHM » SSL/TLS » Manage AutoSSL  » Logs
  • There you’ll find the log for all the cPanel users who are powered by AutoSSL.
  • Click on View Log.
  • You should see something like this:
Log for the AutoSSL run for “cpaneluser”: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 1:08:59 PM GMT-0300 (cPanel (powered by Comodo))
4:08:59 PM This system has AutoSSL set to use “cPanel (powered by Comodo)”.
4:08:59 PM Checking websites for “cpaneluser” …
4:08:59 PM The website “”, owned by “cpaneluser”, has no SSL certificate. AutoSSL will attempt to obtain a new certificate and install it.
4:08:59 PM The system will attempt to renew SSL certificates for the following websites:
4:08:59 PM (
4:09:03 PM The system has completed the AutoSSL check for “cpaneluser”.
4:09:03 PM The system has finished checking 1 user.
4:10:01 PM Polling for “cpaneluser”’s new certificate for “” (order item ID “15422307”) …
4:10:02 PM The certificate is not available. (processing)
4:15:02 PM Polling for “cpaneluser”’s new certificate for “” (order item ID “15422307”) …
4:15:03 PM The certificate is available. The system will now attempt to install it.
4:15:06 PMSUCCESS The certificate is now installed!

How can I renew my AutoSSL Certificate?

You can’t renew it manually, as it renew itself automatically when it’s close to the AutoSSL expiration date. Expected more? No, cPanel devs have made a really wonderful job with this fantastic SSL tool.

What are your experiences working with AutoSSL Certificates?

Further reading:

About the Author: Martin Keler

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